2024 at a glance

Summary Financials

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2023: €8.1bn



2023: €1.07bn

Trading Profit1


2023: €877m

Trading Margin3


-30 bps
2023: 10.8%

Profit After Tax


2023: €654m



2023: 352.3c

1. Earnings before finance costs, income taxes, depreciation and amortisation
2. Operating profit before amortisation of intangibles
3. Trading profit divided by total revenue

Our Impact

As climate change intensifies, urgent action is critical. Buildings and construction account for 37% of energy-related emissions globally.


Kingspan’s mission is to accelerate a net zero emissions built environment with people and planet at its heart. Through the Completing the Envelope strategy we offer customers a wider range of high-performance building envelope solutions which deliver energy efficient, lower embodied carbon buildings and can also generate renewable energy.

Energy efficient


172m tonnes of CO2e will be saved over the life of our insulation systems sold in 2024

Enough to power a major airline for over 11 years


Note: Assumes 60 year product life; based on an EU airline disclosure of
over 15.4m tonnes of CO2e emissions for 12 months to March 2024

conserved water


Over 44.1bn litres of rainwater will be harvested by our systems produced in 2024

Enough water to fill over 550m baths


Note: Assumes a 20 year product life

recycled material


In 2024 alone, we recycled 1.1 billion waste plastic bottles

Enough recycled bottles to circle the Earth over five times


Note: Equivalent number of PET bottles by weight

natural daylight


Our daylighting systems sold in 2024 create 3.8 billion lumens of natural light annually

Enough to light up 470k homes


Note: Assumes 10 x 60W bulbs per home

Download the full 2024 Annual Report

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Strategic Pillar


Fusion Building
South Oxfordshire, UK

Insulated Panels
Dri-Design® facade,
QuadCore® roof and
wall panels

Our Innovation and Planet Passionate teams worked in partnership to take significant steps forward in the development of lower embodied carbon alternatives across our portfolios.

Innovation agenda

Kingspan’s innovation agenda is driven out of the Group’s state of the art facility IKON.


Our solutions driven approach puts customers at the core of our innovation agenda. Inviting customers to IKON offers us the opportunity to learn about, and engage on, their evolving needs.

Analytical Lab

IKON’s analytical lab is the first port of call for advanced material testing in Kingspan. Materials are tested across a wide spectrum of performance indicators before being progressed to larger scale testing.

Prototype Lab

Once materials have proven performance benefits, they are progressed to full product scale testing. IKON’s prototyping capabilities facilitate an efficient test and refine process for products and materials.

Mechanical and Product Development Lab

Finally, when products have advanced through the prototyping stage, we conduct significant strength and durability testing to ensure the longevity of the products.

Innovation Themes

Kingspan’s innovation agenda is driven across four key themes – performance, solutions, sustainability and digitalisation. Discover our innovation highlights for 2024.


PowerPanel® is part of our Insulated Panels division. It is an engineering innovation from Kingspan which has integrated our QuadCore® insulated panel with solar technology, enabling a single fix installation of high-performance insulated panel with solar power generation. Our upgraded PowerPanel® is now launching.

Lower Embodied Carbon (LEC) Portfolio

Our Innovation and Planet Passionate teams worked in partnership to take significant steps forward in the development of lower embodied carbon alternatives across our portfolios. In 2024, we brought 12 LEC products to market including: KILON LEC daylighting, SFS LEC, and Tate Grid+ LEC.


Our bio-based insulation category, branded BioKor®, has made significant strides with entry into the hemp insulation market. The acquisition of a majority stake in Steico, a global leader in wood fibre insulation, further positions Kingspan at the forefront of this expanding sector.

Future Innovations

New LEC products, natural materials and PowerPanel® innovations position us at the vanguard of energy efficient building envelope solutions.

Advances in glycolysis processes, accelerating the circularity of our industry, will further develop our future proposition. We now have two glycolysis processes up and running in Spain and the Netherlands. These convert waste insulation back into a polyol raw material, which then forms part of new insulation products, contributing to the acceleration of the circular economy.

We plan to commission a number of glycolysis plants located at our key insulation sites in the coming years.

Mester Építő

Insulated Panels
Evolution QuadCore®

Marseille, France

Light, Air + Water
Shadometal solar
shading system


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Our business model and strategic pillars enable the ongoing conversion to high-performance building envelopes from outdated and inefficient methods of construction.