Summary Financials
Download Summary FinancialsRevenue
2023: €8.1bn
2023: €1.07bn
Trading Profit1
2023: €877m
Trading Margin3
-30 bps
2023: 10.8%
Profit After Tax
2023: €654m
2023: 352.3c
1. Earnings before finance costs, income taxes, depreciation and amortisation
2. Operating profit before amortisation of intangibles
3. Trading profit divided by total revenue
Our Impact
As climate change intensifies, urgent action is critical. Buildings and construction account for 37% of energy-related emissions globally.
Kingspan’s mission is to accelerate a net zero emissions built environment with people and planet at its heart. Through the Completing the Envelope strategy we offer customers a wider range of high-performance building envelope solutions which deliver energy efficient, lower embodied carbon buildings and can also generate renewable energy.
Energy efficient
172m tonnes of CO2e will be saved over the life of our insulation systems sold in 2024
Enough to power a major airline for over 11 years
Note: Assumes 60 year product life; based on an EU airline disclosure of
over 15.4m tonnes of CO2e emissions for 12 months to March 2024
conserved water
Over 44.1bn litres of rainwater will be harvested by our systems produced in 2024
Enough water to fill over 550m baths
Note: Assumes a 20 year product life
recycled material
In 2024 alone, we recycled 1.1 billion waste plastic bottles
Enough recycled bottles to circle the Earth over five times
Note: Equivalent number of PET bottles by weight
natural daylight
Our daylighting systems sold in 2024 create 3.8 billion lumens of natural light annually
Enough to light up 470k homes
Note: Assumes 10 x 60W bulbs per home

Download the full 2024 Annual Report
Download Full Annual ReportOur Values

Marseille, France
Light, Air + Water
Shadometal solar
shading system
Our Values
Our values have always been the foundation of our strategy and are fundamental to how we do business and interact with each other.
Historically, construction has taken from nature with little consideration given to the finite resource available. Buildings were constructed without contemplating how they might impact future generations. We believe that buildings now and into the future need to deliver more than ever before.
Buildings must combat climate change by maximising energy efficiency through superior thermal performance while incorporating products that are lower in embodied carbon across their entire lifecycle. Using less energy is not enough; buildings should generate their own energy too.
Building should be healthy and inspirational optimising the benefits of daylight and clean air. They should be designed, constructed and operated to protect natural resources and conserve water as much as possible.
Above all they must be safe protecting people and property from fire and other natural hazards.

Crystal Bridges Museum of
American Art
Arkansas, USA
Insulated Panels
Morin Pulse Panels
Our Culture and Values
Kingspan has grown from a family business and many of the values associated with family businesses form the backbone of our culture today.
The business has been built on trust in the integrity of our people and of our offering. We value this trust and recognise it as being fundamental to our ongoing success. We are entrepreneurial, collaborative, honest, and we stand behind a common cause – better buildings for a better world.

We are innovative
We are the market leader in the field of high-performance building envelope solutions, which ensure lifetime carbon and resource savings.
We have gained this position through a creative and solutions driven mindset, which continues to inform our innovation agenda today.
We think long term
The strategy of the business is driven by long-term ambitions and not by quarterly performance.
The success of this strategy can be seen in our long-term growth. This ethos is apparent in our multi-year commitments such as our Planet Passionate programme which will drive real, positive, impact for the environment and forms a common global goal across the business.
In 2023, we launched our People Passionate programme which focuses on the development and retention of our most important resource, our people.
Code of Conduct
Kingspan expects the highest standards of integrity, honesty and compliance with the law from our employees, our directors and our partners, globally.
We actively encourage our employees to speak out if they experience instances that are not in keeping with the principles outlined in our Code of Conduct.
Our policies assist in ensuring compliance with laws and regulations while aligning with our goals and values.
All new joiners in Kingspan must complete training on our Code of Conduct. Our business success is inextricably linked to our behaviours, and our aspiration to maintain a culture where our everyday actions are built on five core principles:
- Clear, ethical and honest behaviours and communications
- Compliance with the law;
- Respect for the safety and wellbeing of colleagues;
- Protection of our Group assets; and
- Upholding our commitment to a more sustainable future
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